Real Time Data provides you with headline attainment levels for any key stages relevant to your school. Perspective Lite gives you access to accurate national attainment figures up to 4 months prior to DfE release! This data is provided as part of your LA’s membership to the NCER CiC (National Consortium for Examination Results).
More information about the NCER can be found here:
Access to these reports is managed by your LA Performance Data Team.
How to Run Real Time Data Trends
To access Real Time Data Trends, click on Services > All Services > Real Time Data.
You will be given an option to select a key stage (as shown below).
Once you have selected a key stage, the system will display the trends over time. You can alternate between key stages as needed. You can switch between a bar or line view here, too.
In the summer term, the latest annual figures will begin to appear so that you can start to see the emerging national picture, alongside your school’s results, at the end of the summer holidays.
This means that when you resume school in September, you know exactly what you are coming back to. If your attainment has dropped, or is below the national/LA average, then you can prepare yourself in advance for any scrutiny that may arise from this.
If your Real Time Data Trends are not visible, you need to contact your Local Authority.
You can use the Print option on the page to print these graphs to paper. If you would rather download the charts as a document, change the destination printer to Save as PDF.