The Documents area is a centralised place for all LA documents that are stored securely. All files sent to your school from the Local Authority are available within this area. The structure of the folders is determined by your LA.
All documents are made available by your Local Authority. If you can't locate a document, or if there are any inaccuracies, please get in touch with your Local Authority.
If you cannot see the Documents folder, it may be that it is either turned off for your school or your LA doesn't subscribe to the service. If you're unsure, you can contact your LA.
As the folders are customisable, your LA Documents folder may look slightly different to the image below.
To access LA Documents, hover over Services and click Documents.
You can then use the tree view on the left-hand side to expand folders and view files. Click on a file to download it.
Files sent to your school by the LA will be marked as 'New' for a period of 30 days.
Confidential Files
Your LA can also send you a confidential file; it will be visible in the 'My Confidential Files' folder within your Services > Documents area. For more information on confidential files, click here.
File Returns
If you need to send files back to your Local Authority, you can do this via Services > File Returns. More information on file returns can be found by clicking here.
You can only access these areas of Perspective Lite if you have the relevant permissions. Speak to your Head Teacher if you cannot see the required modules.