The timer tool is available wiithin the Tools section of Perspective Lite. Whether used for transitioning between tasks, or managing time-outs, the large, visual timer will keep things moving!
To access the timer, hover over Tools and click Timer. The timer can be accessed by all staff, regardless of permissions.
Select your time frame by using the plus and minus options alongside the hours, minutes and seconds options. Alternatively, you can use the presets just underneath. Personalise the Timer text as desired, then click Start when you're ready to go.
You can mute the alarm that is sounded when the clock hits zero by pressing the Mute Alarm button and change the timer to full screen by clicking View Fullscreen.
Once you start the timer, you can click Reset to clear the time and start again, or Pause to pause the clock. Once clicked, the button is replaced with a Resume option, for you to start the clock again from where you paused.