The Analysis (Insight) School Census Cohort page provides contextual information on your LA's cohort, from pupil and school characteristics to absence, exclusions and prior attainment.
If you are missing any data or have any queries about the data itself. Please contact your Local Authority directly, as the information on this page is underpinned by the data imported by your LA.
Select Services > Analysis (Insight) > Census Cohort to load the page with a set of default filters. Many variations of filters can be applied to the entire page allowing for specific insights into the school census cohort.
The page will load with a set of default filters but these can be updated to change or narrow your cohort, when filters other than the default are chosen, this will be indicated on the page.
You can click the Reset button to revert back to the default set of filters for this page and if you change filters values, you must click apply for those changes to be reflected on the page.
Scrolling down the page gives you access to several sections, displaying various data breakdowns based on your filters.
Click the available i icon alongside a section title if you need additional information. Some sections also contain sub-tabs and options which you can use to change certain filters or data ranges on the specific section you are viewing.
If you want to print the page, you can, but consider whether the person you're printing for should have access to Analysis (Insight), or whether you could screenshot the parts you want. You can also export the underlying data on the screen to a CSV, by clicking Export CSV in the top right corner.