The Absence and Exclusions Details pages provide you with a detailed view of your absence and exclusions data. Allowing you to see high-level information as well as code and reason level breakdowns.
If you are missing any data or have any queries about the data itself. Please contact your Local Authority directly, as the information on this page is underpinned by the data imported by your LA.
The pages have a number of features to allow you to interact with the data including:
• Filtering by characteristic and phase.
• Flippable sections that give you more information for a given indicator.
• Aggregated school and pupil level list views.
Navigate to Services > Analysis (Insight) and then Absence Details or Exclusion Details to load the page with a set of default filters, many variations of filters can be applied to the entire page allowing for specific insights into the absence and exclusion data.
If you want to print the page, you can, but consider whether the person you're printing for should have access to Analysis (Insight), or whether you could screenshot the parts you want. You can also export the underlying data on the screen to a CSV, by clicking Export CSV in the top right corner.
Further down the page, you can use the Pupil Groups section to view data based on specific groups of pupils. These groups are created automatically, based on the census data you supplied your LA.