
Will Veevers
Will Veevers
  • Updated

If your Local Authority uses our file-sharing module to share documents with their schools, you will have visibility of the roles within your account.

Your Local Authority defines these roles for the purpose of sharing documentation with specific key stakeholders in your school.

The Local Authority can share Confidential Files with specific roles in your school. You should ensure, where possible, that at least one user is assigned to each role within your account. If users aren't assigned to a role, any files shared with that role will be unavailable.

Please Note: To assign a role to someone; they must first be set up as a user inside Perspective and have permission to access LA Documents.

SLT users within Perspective Lite can assign these defined roles to staff. To do this, navigate to Settings (cog icon) and click Manage User Roles.

Here, you can assign roles to any active Perspective user. 



To assign a user to a role, click the dropdown menu alongside it and place a tick inside the box of any staff member who should have that role. If the staff member you need isn't visible in the dropdown, you must first add them as a user through the steps in this guide.

Please note that assigning someone to an existing role will allow them to see all files previously shared with that role.

For security reasons, a user must already be in the SLT team to be assigned an 'SLT-specific role', such as Deputy Head Teacher.

You can select multiple staff, and staff can also have multiple roles!

Please note that you can't change the headteacher role; if you require a change of headteacher, contact

The roles will automatically save so you can leave the page when finished.